Creating an attractive office which will equally impress employees and clients is not that difficult, if you know a few of the top tips and tricks to office interior design. Here are just a few things to keep in mind if you are trying to modernise or spruce up your current office space.


The very first thing you need to do is respect your brand. If you already have a great brand that you intend to keep, then you should stick with your brand colours when you redecorate. This will offer continuity between designs that your customers will recognise, even if you change things around. Even if you choose all new furniture and completely renovate the office space, if the colours stay the same, psychologically, your clients and other visitors will still feel comfortable.


Black and white design trends are a good choice, because simplicity and the understated look are very popular. Apple is an example of a company that has turned the basics into a trademark. However, although black and white can be stylish it can also be hard to pull off, because black on its own is boring and white is very hard to keep clean. The best way is to combine black and white themes with just small accent colours. Using a single colour as an accent is a great way to 'pop' the design, and so is adding texture and patterns in the office.


Of course, black and white is not for everyone, and that is why colour is another great way to grab the attention of your patrons. Utilising colour combos that just pop out at the eyes is a great decorating tip for really grabbing customers. You don’t want to put together two crazy colours that just don’t go together, but instead take a close look at the colour wheel and choose colours that naturally exist side by side. Opposite colours often go surprisingly well together while making a big impact.


Finally, when it comes to office design, you have to remember to choose your furniture wisely. This can be the most enjoyable part, but it is also something that you want to think about carefully. If you already have a colour scheme chosen, then you will only need to worry about a few basic tricks. With stark walls, you can choose fun patterns and designs on your furniture, but if you have a lot of prints or walls that have patterns, then it is better to choose solid colours.

If you would like discuss getting new office design for your company get in touch with our team and we will happily walk you through the process.


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